Instructions to Authors
UJEMI and UJEMI+ publish the results of undergraduate research in fields related to microbiology and immunology.
- Manuscripts submitted to UJEMI+ should address a clear research question and communicate a novel research finding(s). UJEMI+ papers are subjected to a constructive peer review process.
- Manuscripts communicating a work-in-progress (e.g. staged construction of a plasmid or preliminary findings) can be submitted to UJEMI. UJEMI papers may be accepted for publication by the editors and are not peer reviewed.
UJEMI-PEARLS are short educational review articles written by undergraduate students on topics relevant to microbiology and immunology.
UJEMI-methods are short articles providing theory, protocol, timelines and troubleshooting guidance for techniques relevant to a molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, or immunology laboratory. Submissions may be either written or video-based (YouTube).
UJEMI and UJEMI+manuscripts should be formatted as per the Submission Guidelines.
Most papers will be reviewed and published during UJEMI-Institute (May - June each year). Exceptions will be considered if more urgent publication is required. Once accepted, papers will be published online.
Papers that are not accepted for publication in UJEMI+ will be considered for publication in our annual online publication of UJEMI (link).